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html <%编程积累——html <%实现html ./制与html //制之间的互相转换

2022-08-13 21:55:43 来源: 网络   编辑: 佚名   浏览(264)人   

html <%编程积累——html <%实现html ./制与html //制之间的互相转换    

html ./制与html //制之间的转换

html ./制转换html //

html ./制对2整除,得到的余数的倒序即为转换而成的html //

html <%实现html ./制转换html //


#html --<iostream>

#html --<fstream>

#html --<string>

#html --<vector>

#html --<cmath>

using namespace std;

int main()


int N;

cout << "Please enter the number: ";

cin >> N;

cout << endl;

//html ./制转html //制的声明和调用

void convert_10_to_2(int num);



html ./制转换为html //制函数为:

#html --<iostream>

#html --<fstream>

#html --<string>

#html --<vector>

#html --<cmath>

using namespace std;

void convert_10_to_2(int num)


vector<int> ivec;

int Num = num; //存储原数据


while (num != 0)


ivec.push_back(num % 2);

num = num / 2;


//对求得的余数倒序排序并存储在vector中,求得html //

vector<int>::size_type sz = ivec.size();

vector<int> ivec2;

for (vector<int>::size_type index = 0; index != sz; ++index)

ivec2.push_back(ivec[sz - 1 - index]);

//输出html ./制转换为html //制的数

cout <<Num << "html ./制转html //制后为:";

for (auto item : ivec2)

cout << item;

cout << endl<<endl;


html //制转换html ./

html //制从右往左从零次幂开始乘以html //制数并求和

html <%实现html //制转换html ./

html <%主函数为:

#html --<iostream>

#html --<fstream>

#html --<string>

#html --<vector>

#html --<cmath>

using namespace std;

int main()


double convert_2_to_10();


return 0;


html //制转html ./制函数为:

#html --<iostream>

#html --<fstream>

#html --<string>

#html --<vector>

using namespace std;

double convert_2_to_10()


//输入html //制数并存储在vector变量ivec2

cout << "Please enter the ErJInZhi numbers: " << endl;

int n;

vector<int> ivec2;

while (cin >> n)




//html //制转html ./制计算

double sum = 0, times;

vector<int>::size_type sz = ivec2.size();

for (vector<int>::size_type index = 0; index != sz; ++index)


times = pow(2, sz - 1 - index);

sum += ivec2[index] * times;



cout << "2进制——";

for (vector<int>::size_type index = 0; index != sz; ++index)

cout << ivec2[index];

cout << "10进制为:";

cout << sum << endl;

return 0;


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